Подборка видений (dreams) от людей, живущих на восточном побережье, во Флориде:
Florida Going Under Deep Water http://z3news.com/w/florida-deep-water/

Приведенное ниже, случилось с автором данного видения в состоянии активного бодрствования, прямо на хайвее, когда он вел машину, возвращаясь домой от родителей со своей семьей, женой и двумя сыновьями, с отдыха.. Автор был настолько счастлив в этот момент, умиротворен, что от избытка благодарности Богу, за свою благополучную жизнь, стал молитвенно обращаться к Господу. И сразу же, как был за рулем, оказался введен в видение (будущего) затопленного своего жилого дома с 15 футами воды выше сорванной частично крыши ...Домой к себе семья как раз возвращалась, и дом этот расположен в северной части Флориды, город Saint Petersburg. Забегая, скажу что, впоследствии, дом ихний хотя продать пока не удалось, но семья эта давно переехала в другое место, на север в штат Индиана, на возвышенность, в место, вероятно более спасительное для этой семьи, коль Сам Господь вразумил и указал.. Amos 3:7 - Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophetsАмос 3: 7 - Несомненно, Господь Бог ничего не делает, не раскрывая Его план рабам Своим пророкам. " FEBRUARY 5, 2015 Back in 2008 I was given a vision that was so real it frightened me to my core. My family and I were visiting with my parents in Fort Myers Florida for the weekend. After dinner, we said our goodbyes and hit the road to head back to St. Petersburg, which is about an hour and forty-five minutes away. We were on the road for about 15 minutes when my kids fell asleep in the back of the vehicle. My wife said she was going to lay her head back and try to get a quick nap. I looked at my wife and kids and I was so thankful for what God had done in my life and in the life of my family. As soon as she closed her eyes, I started praying to God. I was telling God how thankful my family and I are for the life He has given us. I told Him how wonderful our home was, but in the grand scheme of things, we didn’t care about it because it will all burn anyway…. Well, instantly, as I was telling God that, I found myself standing in the living room of my home (in Saint Petersburg Florida). I had no idea what was happening, nor where my family was. I looked around and everything had a tinge of blue to it. The walls shimmered with diamonds of light the way it looks when you are swimming under water in a pool on a sunny day. At that time, I had no idea what the light was and what was happening because just seconds before I was just driving with my family on the highway in the dark. As I looked up, I saw the roof was partially ripped off the house and I could see that the house was actually underwater. I could see the light streaming down from the surface as it reflected all over the walls of the living room. The surface of the water looked like it was at least 15 feet above the roof line. As I stared in amazement at the scene I was standing in, I was suddenly brought back to where I was praying in my car with my family all around me. To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. I got that dream in 2008. Since then, we moved out of Florida and we moved to Indiana. Sadly, we still own the house in Florida since it is financially under water (no pun intended), but as far as what I saw, it, along with all of Florida, will be destroyed. Now, the funny thing is, our house in Florida sits on the 2nd highest ground in St. Pete (based on an Army Corp of Engineers survey). Since we lived on such high ground, we did not need to purchase flood insurance. Well, my vision told me otherwise. Then again, no amount of flood insurance will fix what is coming. Since this last vision was shown to me, I have researched to see if anyone else is getting similar visions. I see lots of people having dreams of disaster coming, but so many of the dreams people have conflict with other people’s dreams. Which dream of destruction is the correct dream? Dreams can be caused by so many different influences, be it food, movies or even from conversation. That is why I do not put as much faith in people’s dreams lately. I am looking for people with visions such as the one I had because I feel that dreams and visions are two different things. God has given me many visions and when they come, I am in the middle of doing one thing, when suddenly I have an out of body experience and I am placed someplace else. It is something you cannot control and it is something so real you could reach out and touch what it is you see. God might have given pieces of the puzzle to many different people and when we all tell what we know, it might give us a bigger picture of what to expect and how to prepare. These visions might have been given to us to save many lives." Florida Going Under Deep Water http://z3news.com/w/florida-deep-water/
_________________ — Ничего не поделаешь, — возразил Кот. — Все мы здесь не в своем уме, и ты и я — Откуда вы знаете, что я не в своем уме? — спросила Алиса. — Конечно, не в своем, — ответил Кот. — Иначе как бы ты здесь оказалась? (С) Л.К.