24 августа 2010 английскую прессу облетела новость,
поверить в которую НЕВОЗМОЖНО. Вот как вкратце ее пересказывают российские новостные порталы.
Проведя ДНК-экспертизу родственников известного диктатора, эксперты поняли, что биологически он был связан с представителями тех рас, которых Третий рейх пытался стереть с лица земли. Исследование образцов слюны 39 родственников Адольфа Гитлера показало наличие хромосомы E1b1b (Y-ДНК), редкой не только для жителей Германии, но даже Западной Европы. «Наиболее часто она встречается у берберов, коренных жителей северной Африки, проживающих в Марокко, Алжире, Ливии и Тунисе, а также у евреев», — рассказали ученые.
Это не первый случай, когда эксперты говорят о еврейских корнях Гитлера. Некоторые ученые полагают, что отец фюрера был незаконным сыном крестьянки Анны Марии Шикльгрубер и еврея по фамилии Франкенбергер. А вовсе не сезонного рабочего Иоганна Георга Гидлера, который признал ребенка и женился на Анне Марии.
По некоторым свидетельствам, племянник Адольфа Гитлера Патрик знал об этой семейной тайне. Он даже пытался шантажировать своего дядю. Однако личный адвокат фюрера вскоре обнародовал данные, якобы, полностью опровергающие еврейство Гитлера. Произошло это перед началом Второй мировой войны, поэтому об инциденте быстро забыли.
"Пробы, взятые у родственников нацистского лидера, показывают, что он биологически связан с расами "недочеловеков", которых пытался истребить", - сообщает британская The Daily Mail со ссылкой на бельгийский журнал Knack.
Издание поясняет, что в слюне родственников Гитлера обнаружились признаки гаплогруппы E1b1b (Y-ДНК), редко встречающейся у жителей Германии и других стран Западной Европы. "Она наиболее распространена у марокканских берберов, в Алжире, Ливии и Тунисе, а также среди евреев-ашкенази и евреев-сефардов", - сказал историк Марк Вермеерен, принимавший участие в прояснении родословной Гитлера. Его соавтор Жан-Поль Малдерс недвусмысленно постулировал, что "Гитлер был связан родством с людьми, которых презирал". В заключение The Daily Mail отмечает, что это не первый случай, когда высказываются предположения о еврейских корнях фюрера.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstop ... -show.html
Saliva samples taken from 39 relatives of the Nazi leader show he may have had biological links to the “subhuman” races that he tried to exterminate during the Holocaust.
Jean-Paul Mulders, a Belgian journalist, and Marc Vermeeren, a historian, tracked down the Fuhrer’s relatives, including an Austrian farmer who was his cousin, earlier this year.
A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in their samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.
"One can from this postulate that Hitler was related to people whom he despised," Mr Mulders wrote in the Belgian magazine, Knack.
http://www.mnn.com/green-tech/research- ... ican-roots
The family tree of Adolf Hitler has long remained one of dark speculation, its roots complicated and murky to historians. Even the Hitler name has been difficult to trace, as some common variances have been Hitler, Hiedler, Hylter, Hittler and Huttler. But new information about the Nazi leader’s bloodline has come to light. The Telegraph reports on evidence that shows Hitler may have had biological links to the very races he tried to wipe out.
Belgian journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren initiated the search for Hitler’s lineage, taking saliva samples from 39 living relatives, including a first cousin. The samples were analyzed under “stringent laboratory conditions.” Experts found that Hitler’s relatives have a chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1.
Haplogroup E1b1b1 is common among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, as well as Berbers of Africa’s Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. It is extremely rare among people of Western European descent. Also, a significant proportion of the Afro-Asiatic Jewish population carries E1b1b1. It is considered one of the major founding markers of the Jewish lineage and is carried through the male chromosome.
Ronny Decorte is a genetic specialist at the Catholic University of Leuven. As he told the Telegraph, “This is a surprising result. The affair is fascinating if one compares it with the conception of the world of the Nazis, in which race and blood was central. Hitler's concern over his descent was not unjustified. He was apparently not 'pure' or ‘Aryan’.”
However, the appearance of Haplogroup E1b1b1 is not surprising to some who have studied Hitler’s family tree. As the Telegraph notes, some historians believe that Hitler’s father Alois was the illegitimate offspring of a maid called Maria Schicklgruber and a 19-year-old Jewish man named Leopold Frankenberger. Schicklgruber worked as a housekeeper for a Jewish family in Graz. This issue was the subject of a blackmail letter sent by Hitler’s nephew, William Patrick Hitler, at the height of Hitler’s power.
Historians often note the atmosphere of terror in Hitler’s early family. Alois Schicklgruber changed his name on Jan. 7, 1877. to "Hitler," which Adolf adopted as his only surname. Recently verified journals kept by his sister Paula note the dysfunctional nature of the family. Hitler himself was a noted bully, often slapping his younger sister around “for the good of her education.” Hitler’s father Alois beat his son regularly, at times doing do so over the body of Adolf's protective mother.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldne ... eveal.html
Samples taken from relatives of the Nazi leader show that he is biologically linked to the 'sub-human' races he sought to exterminate.
Journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren used DNA to track down 39 of the Fuhrer's relatives earlier this year.
They included an Austrian farmer revealed only as a cousin called Norbert H.
A Belgian news magazine has reported that samples of saliva taken from these people strongly suggest Hitler had antecedents he certainly would not have cared for.
A chromosome called Haplopgroup E1b1b (Y-DNA) in their samples is rare in Germany and indeed Western Europe.
'It is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews,' Mr Vermeeren said.
'One can from this postulate that Hitler was related to people whom he despised,' adds Mr Mulders in the magazine, Knack.